Double Dose Weekend 4.1. Puzzling Feelings – A Haiku

Went to bed at a decent time, slept well and got out of bed easily, without feeling tired and without any real care. Yet there was this awkward pit in my stomach, this feeling of nervousness, for really no reason at all. Or at least for no apparent reason. Though nothing serious or painful it is certainly very uncomfortable and no fun waking up to. With the day nearing its end I haven’t yet found the reason for its presence, but let’s hope I see it as little as possible in the future. Doing fine otherwise, though. ^_^

Puzzling Feelings
Such a good night’s sleep
Feeling rested, all is well
Then why so nervous?


Ever since a group of shoes held a birthday party a long, long time ago (though in a galaxy not that far away) a little boy’s appreciation for creation was born. And so, throughout the following years shoes partied, a dinosaur travelled through time, oddly shaped football players went on adventures, a young wanderer became a knight, a comedian rose to godhood, Jedi fought an evil empire, a war between cyborg warlords and human-insect hybrids engulfed the world… The boy had learned how with only words on paper (and from times to time a few pictures) he was able to bring people, places, even entire worlds to life. By now that little boy has reached almost the third decade of his life and his love for telling stories has not ceased. And finally, long after he had planned to, he has decided to share these stories with the world. Whether you are a new or already familiar face: welcome to this little archive of mine! This is a place where I will, finally, actually be sharing my writing with others. It will feature pretty much anything I feel like sharing, both old and new stories, fan-fiction and original content, and probably some non-fiction added in at times. So, if you like reading, writing, stories (or me ^_~), drop by, drop a comment (I can’t promise I’ll get back to you quickly, since I’m horrible at that, but I’ll do my best) and, drop it like it’s hot. … Sorry… ^_^; In any case, I hope you’ll enjoy yourself and I look forward to seeing you around!

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Posted in Poetry, Writing
One comment on “Double Dose Weekend 4.1. Puzzling Feelings – A Haiku
  1. […] Double Dose Weekend 4.1. Puzzling Feelings – A Haiku […]


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Itsa Me!

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Who? Just your average descendant of two sea-faring peoples, anthropology Master and aspiring author with a life-long passion for writing.

What? Uhm, human. I think... Also a bit crazy, but in a good way. I think...

Where? A land under the sea, far, far away. Occasionally with my head in the clouds.

Why? Trying to get both my work and my love for writing out there, sharing them with others and getting in touch with fellow writers, artists and other like-minded people.

Hi! ^_^

NaNoWriMo 2023

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